5 Questions with Dola Handley
1. Can you tell us a bit about your job here at UCHealth Memorial Hospital? I am currently the Manager of the Mother Baby Unit at Memorial Hospital Central Campus, and also the Interim Director for Women’s Services. I am responsible for ensuring proper staffing, quality outcomes and leadership/mentoring for Women’s Services at both our Central and North campuses.
2. What do you do to ensure you continue to grow and develop in your field as a leader? I read – a lot! I read leadership books, but I also love to read “process, habit and self-help” type books. I like to learn leadership strategies on many different levels. Right now, I am 3/4 done reading Work Clean by Dan Charnas, which is a book about great chefs, the history of being a chef and how their habits and processes make them better at everything in their lives. I also enjoy discussing case studies with my peers, managers on the units and our Clinical Nurse Specialists. I learn something new every day!
3. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I enjoy bicycling and hiking with my friends. I am also a foodie – I love to eat out or eat in and I really enjoy cooking!
4. What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess? Integrity
5. What would be your dream job if you could do anything in the world? Well, not a title, but a situation where I could do different things every day and stretch myself, use my communication skills, decision making abilities and outcome driven goals to make things better for others. These types of situations always make me a better, happier person.