The Alessia Rose Foundation
In July 2017, our beautiful daughter, Alessia Rose, came into this world at 25 weeks gestation due to a placental abruption. Her family created The Alessia Rose Foundation to honor her legacy, help eliminate the risks associated with extreme prematurity, and support outstanding care.
Alessia Rose was born on July 23, 2017, at 1 pound, 5.4 ounces and measured just 11.5 inches long. Despite her size, she was a fighter. During her 140 days at UCHealth Memorial Central, she experienced adrenal hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, pneumonia, retinopathy of prematurity, and more. Many of her conditions required surgical intervention, as well as exploratory efforts to diagnose her appropriately.
She began to thrive and her family looked forward to her bringing her home for Christmas. On December 10, 2017, however, a sudden and acute digestive event took her life. Throughout her journey, Alessia left quite an impression on all who knew and cared for her. She fought every day with grit, courage and a strong will to survive. Her parents and family love and cherish Alessia and feel an enormous void with her absence. It is of utmost importance to draw attention to the ailments that cause premature deliveries, which negatively impact babies, mothers and fathers, families, and communities.
The Alessia Rose Foundation strives to support the medical community’s efforts to understand, prevent, and care for these babies and their families. We are raising money to support clinical research, as well as support promising and outstanding care. Funding will also provide parents, families, and guardians access to resources they need during this incredibly stressful and emotional journey. Please consider a gift to support this important work and to honor Alessia Rose.