Stop the Bleed Training – March 31


In the aftermath of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, medical and non-medical professionals across the country convened to develop a protocol for national policy to enhance survivability from active shooter and intentional mass casualty events. Their findings included: (1) uncontrolled bleeding is the most significant preventable cause of death in the pre-hospital environment, (2) all responders, civilian and professional, should have the education and necessary equipment for hemorrhage control, and (3) the Committee strongly endorses civilian bystanders to act as “immediate responders.”

In recent years, Memorial Hospital’s Trauma Department found an upward trend in injuries that could result in uncontrolled bleeding . While falls are still the top mechanism of injury, assault became number two in 2016 and gunshot wounds (GSW) had more than doubled from 2.4 percent to 5 percent. An individual could bleed to death in as little as two minutes. The average ambulance response time is six minutes. It is critical to train citizens in bleeding control in order to save lives.

Based on these findings and the top mechanism of injuries, Memorial Hospital now implements Stop the Bleed ( training to prepare the Southern Colorado community for mass casualty and active shooter events in schools and other public spaces. Our Trauma Outreach Department, Injury Prevention Department, Emergency Medical Services, and Emergency Preparedness Department work with public schools, law enforcement, non-clinical staff, and local businesses to provide simulation practice and bleeding control kits to enhance resilience and ultimately increase survival from mass shootings and casualty events. The Stop The Bleed campaign was developed to teach civilians to intervene and prevent death between the time of injury and the arrival of first responders.

Memorial Hospital is offering a free public event to learn how to stop life-threatening bleeding on March 31, 2018 at the new UCHealth Memorial Community Education Center – Colorado Springs, located at 2050 Kidskare Point, Colorado Springs, CO 80910. Classes are an hour long and start times include 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, Noon, 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM. Register for a session at 444-CARE (2273), option 3 or at